(indicated by a bold word within curly brackets { } )- {User} - A person who must record times against project tasks
- {Group Admin} - A person who can administer a |Group| of users (Note: they can be a {User} themselves in one or more groups)
- {Global Admin} - A person who can administer all |Group|s (Note: they can also be a {Group Admin} in one or more groups and thus a {User} in one or more groups)
- {T-Rec} - The core system for time recording which this project relates to
- {Source Of Project Tasks} - One or more systems external to T-Rec which can be a source of Project and Task information
(indicated by a bold word within angle brackets < > )- <Client UI> - The User Interface(s) which a {User} has access to
- <Client UI Wnd> - The windows <Client UI>
- <Client UI Web> - The web <Client UI>
- <Group Admin UI> - The User Interface(s) which a {Group Admin} has access to
- <Global Admin UI> - The User Interface(s) which a {Global Admin} has access to
- <T-Rec DataSource> - The source of data which is stored for use with {T-Rec}
- <Project Task DataSource> - The source(s) of data exposed to {T-Rec} by {Source Of Project Tasks}
Business Concepts
(indicated by a bold word within pipes | | )- |Timesheet| - A collection of times recorded between a start and end period
- |Signoff| - At the end of a |Timesheet| period, the times recorded can be 'signed off' or 'approved'
- |Group| - A group of one or more {User}s which is administered by one or more {Group Admin}s
- |UserId| - The unique identifier for a user within the system
Functional Requirements
- <Client UI Wnd> must be able to run as a system tray icon in Windows XP & Vista
- <Client UI Wnd> must be able to run with a different |UserId| or the logged on windows user
- <Client UI Web> must be accessible via a web front end
- <Client UI Wnd> must have a prompt appear when the system tray icon is available which reminds {User} to enter times periodically when their PC is active (not locked or logged out)
- <Client UI Wnd> must provide the ability to show data entered
- <Client UI Web> must provide the ability to show data entered
- <Client UI Wnd> must provide the ability to record and store times against selected project tasks, where a project and a related task can be selected. The selected project and task to store times against can come from within T-Rec or from a Source Of Project Tasks
- <Client UI Web> must provide the ability to record and store times against selected project tasks, where a project and a related task can be selected. The selected project and task to store times against can come from within T-Rec or from a Source Of Project Tasks
- <Client UI Wnd> must allow past times to be edited
- <Client UI Web> must allow past times to be edited
- <Client UI Web> must allow future times to be edited
Business Rules
- BR001 - A {User} can only see their own data
- BR002 - A {Group Admin} can see the data for all {User}s within their |Group|
Business Processes
{User} views entered times for a particular period from within their Windows sessionActors:
- {User}
- {T-Rec}
- {User} clicks button from windows task bar <Client UI Wnd>
- {User} is a part of one or more |Group|s
Process Description:
- The {User} clicks on the icon in their Windows task bar <Client UI Wnd> and a screen appears
- The screen shows the data entered into {T-Rec} by the {User} for the current day by default
- The {User} can applys a filter to the results to show all past and future results
Post Conditions:
Business Rules:
- BR001